My gigantic clown feet have grown so fast that I needed new shoes , so we took a field trip to buy some today! Here they are... and I love them so much that I refused to take them off, even for my nap time! Here I am sleeping in them this afternoon! Thanks for my new shoes Nana... do they have funky shoes like this down there in Florida??
Mommy and Daddy are having our basement finished... apparently they want an "adult hang-out room" I say, why would they want to hang out with adults? I am way cooler than any adult I know! Anyway, here are some "work-in-progress" pictures! More to come!
Nana and Mr. Canzoneri (actually, he lets me call him Nano now!) got me this pretty rocking horse for my birthday. It's been at their house and I am finally big enough to ride it. Turns out I am QUITE the cowgirl! YEEE HAAA!
Mommy has wasted A LOT of time trying to figure out what happened to my old blog... the site she uses to host it switched over to some new sign-in system and apparently Monkey Chronicles, Version 1.0 fell casualty to the change. It is out there in cyberspace but we can't sign-in to it to add anything! SO she started me this NEW blog, which we're calling version 2.0. You can still access my old blog through the link at the right that says "my OLD blog"... obvious, I know but it makes it easy for you internet know-nothings out there! Anyway, she has made a new year's resolution to post MORE pics of my amazing cuteness, so check back often!