Sunday, July 6, 2008

MORE birthday stuff!

Mommy and daddy picked me up early from daycare and took me to Hoffman's Playland to have some birthday fun on all of the rides! I was a little scared at first but was very proud of myself for what a big kid I was by the end of the trip, driving boats and Monster trucks all by myself!

Holy balloons batman!

Mommy and Daddy woke me up with a few balloons on my birthday... and a cake covered with jellybeans and lollipops!

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My birthday party

So in case you haven't heard, I recently turned three! Mommy and Daddy threw a party for me and all of my friends at The Tiny Tots Tea Room and it was a blast! Thanks to Kate at the tearoom for making the party super awesome! And thanks to all of my friends for coming to help me celebrate!

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008