Saturday, June 30, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!!

Pictures from my birthday party last week. Thanks so much to all of my friends who came...

Everyone had fun playing in the ballpit and making birthday cakes with playdoh!

Then the ice cream man came!
His truck was even playing Happy Birthday!! Gracie, Julia and I all got DORA pops!

Ice cream.... YUM!!!

I played on my awesome new swingset (thanks Nana and Pop Pop, Uncle Sean, Auntie Lisa and Gracie!), ate delicious ladybug cake (thanks Mr. Greagan!), hung out with Nana and got my own snacks out of Mr. Duckie. It was a really great day and I just want to thank everyone for coming and for the awesome gifts! I am diligently working on my thank you notes, but the may not get into the mail until after we get back from Tennessee.
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Friday, June 29, 2007

Lights Out

We had a big thunder storm this week. I loved the thunder (unlike mommy who was hiding in the bathtub)

Mommy finally realized she should put the flash on!

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Birthday PAR-TAY!!

I am thinking about what to say about my awesome birthday party this weekend... MORE TO COME!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Strawberry Picking!

Mommy and I took daddy strawberry picking to help celebrate Father's Day today. We went to Indian Ladder Farms and aside from picking berries I got to see some chickens, sheep, goats and some SUPERSIZED Bun Bun Bunnies!

I was really good at finding the red ones and putting them in the container.

I was also really good at finding the red ones and EATING them! Yum!

Happy Father's Day Daddy! I love you!!

**Plum tuckered out from all that pickin'!!!

** Note from Mommy: If you click on the last picture you can actually see all of the strawberry juice dried all over the berry queen's face!
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Soccer Tot

I am playing soccer on Saturdays. I am really good at it, like my dad. (Not really good at getting asked to play JV like my mom) I am going to play in Europe someday like my dad. (Not play JV like my mom.) I am going to score goals like my dad (Not be asked to keep score like my mom.)

Apparently my mom really sucked at soccer.
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My new easel

Nana and Pop Pop got me this awesome new easel. I love to hold the chalk. I love to draw with the chalk. I love to put the chalk in my truck and drive it around the room (vroom vroom!) I also love to eat the chalk. Mommy and Daddy have caught me munching away on the blue chalk not once, but twice. Needless to say, I am not allowed to use the chalk for a while.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sydney goes nuts

Welcome to an evening at the Aurora household: entertainment provided by Ms. Sydney.
She runs around the kitchen for a good half hour and STILL doesn't fall asleep until she's rolled around her crib for an hour. This kid is nuts!!!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Basement Updates

There's some updates over at my parent's Basement Blog... some new chair they're busy fighting over!

Maybe I'll be a jockey someday!

Wait, that's not Barbaro... that's Maggie!

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Freakish Hailstorm!

There was a crazy hailstorm last week. Mommy took these pictures about an hour after it had ended and the hail was still pretty big. She said it tore up the "feed-me-seymour!" plants! (That's what my parents call the Hostas. They think they are so funny and um, well they're not!)
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Whatchu talkin' bout Drew Koller??

I was actually way more excited to see my new friend Drew Koller than I look in this picture. I tried to pull his toes off, and I got a little happy with the canopy on his car seat, but other than that I was very sweet and gave him big smoochies when it was time to say bye bye!

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AWESOME splash down water park

Or as awesome as a $15.99 peice of plastic can be while hooked up to a garden hose in our back yard that looks like Afghanistan.

(Nice job with the sunblock Mommy... I look like I have crisco schmeared all over me!)
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